We only went and did it.

After an arduous hour long uphill climb we finally made it to Mexico City! All but 2 of the Beetles made it the whole journey which seemed totally impossible when we were leaving 7 days ago. It’s been the toughest Dumball ever but for every story of back seats on fire or driving 200 miles on two cylinders there are loads of heartwarming tales of squadrons pulling together to make it through. We’ve been impressed, touched and delighted by the way this crowd have taken on Dumball 2020: an event that has rekindled what Dumball used to be like in the old days – when we push started Ladas and littered Eastern Europe with £200 bangers.

After a few hours relaxing round the pool we all headed out for the glamorous closing party at a bar in the heart of the city. Everyone was on tenterhooks to find out who would win the coveted Spirit of Dumball monkey. The nominations were announced, pretty much every category was hotly contested with every team gaining nominations in some category. The well rehearsed PowerPoint mistakes gave a few surprises away but we hit our stride by the end of the ceremony and by the time we got to the Spirit of Dumball award spirits were so high the staff at the bar looked genuinely scared. We could have handed the Dumball Monkey to pretty much all the teams this year but everyone agreed the standout team were Dos Gert Lush Amigos who have been fixing everyone’s cars all week. It’s fair to say we wouldn’t have made it without them.

By far the biggest moment of the night though , was the news that since 2007 we have now realised over £1million for the Teenage Cancer Trust alone (on 2018 we hit £1mill for great causes in general). If you haven’t donated: please do so right away! The work the TCT does really does change the lives of the 4 teenagers a day who are diagnosed with cancer in the UK.

After a night of drinking and dancing, sharing stories and saying goodbyes we were done. Goodbye open roads, goodbye blue ocean, goodbye tacos, goodbye you bloody awful Mexican Beetles.

Peace out x

We only went and did it. 

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