Mexico City: Here we come!

If we decided to do the Dumball all over again- just for giggles- It would be far less eventful. Yesterday the cars misbehaved as they always do- losing power, running out of fuel, leaking oil. But after 8 amazing days on the road, the dumballers of 2020 have turned into a well oiled machine when it comes to getting our Beetles to their destination.

From the heroic act of pushing Dos Hombres 80km with a tyre, to dumballers towing each other left right and centre- yesterday we rolled into Cuernavaca and danced all night!

Today we face one last mountain range before we drop back into Mexico City- a city that feels positively civilised after the last 8 days. Tonight it’s our awards ceremony and it’s fair to say that we have more stories, events and tales of bravery than ever before.

Thank you México for being everything we wanted you to be and more, thank you to the Mexicans who stopped, helped, laughed and partied with us along the way… and thank you VW for making such crap cars. It’s been the toughest Dumball ever; but we had an absolute ball!

If you want to sponsor a dumballer you still have time, any team on will do. In 2018 we hit £1million for raised for great causes, but this year we could hit the magic million raise for the Teenage Cancer Trust alone…now wouldn’t that be great?

I feel an emotional slideshow coming on…

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